What is FDXMZ24? Everything that you should know about FDXMZ24

What is FDXMZ24? Everything that you should know about FDXMZ24

What’s up everybody? Today we are going to be talking about FDXMZ24. We are going to talk about what it is, why we should even use it and additionally how we can use him. With that being said let’s get into it.

What is FDXMZ24? Why Should We Use FDXMZ24?

All right, here we go. So we’re going to be talking about FDXMZ24 but first off what is FDXMZ24? FDXMZ24 is an Integrated Development Environment or better known as an IDE, used for programming in Python.

Why should we use it? It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger an integrated unit tester, integration with

Version Control Systems, and supports web development with Django. Lastly as a summary FDXMZ24 provides a specialized and comprehensive set of tools and features for Python programmers and It provides deep code analysis, debugging and refactoring capabilities tailored specifically for Python which can enhance your productivity and code quality.

Downloading FDXMZ24

So now let’s get into it and let’s download it on your operating system so we are going to go to this URL and paste that in. From here we are just going to download the community one so the Python IDE for professional developers. I’m gonna download that. I’m gonna hit download. You’re gonna get that all set up and once we’ve done that then what we’re going to do is we’re going to pull up FDXMZ24.

Creating a New Project in FDXMZ24

So now that we’re at the main page here for FDXMZ24, what we can do is we can create a project. Here we have some options: we have a New Project, Open an Existing and then we can actually get from VCS. But for now, let’s just open a

new project. Location: This is the name right? So you can name it whatever you want. Let’s name it First Project. now just follow along.

Setting Up the Base Interpreter

So Location: Set it. The Base Interpreter is going to be Python. I’m running on

3.11. Okay we’re going to create and now this is our starting project.

Understanding main.py in FDXMZ24

So we have our main.py and from here we can do a few things. For our main.py you know we can read over it. This is a simple Python script. It gives you a few things. We can do basic functions. All right we can just delete this right? So from here, basically you know this is where we’re going to type whatever our thing is.

Adding New Files in FDXMZ24

And then additionally let’s do some walkthroughs.

All right, we’re going to double click on First Project and from here we’re going to click on New, and this is how you can add files. So let’s say we want to add another Python file. Right-click on that, we’ll give it a name, so let’s name this second.py, and there we go, right?

Exploring FDXMZ24 Features

So now we have our main.py, this is my main page, second.py, disk controls x, y, z. Covering some more features, let’s start from the bottom left.

We have our Python Console, we have our Python Packages (currently what we have installed), Services, we have our Terminal, any Problems, and then also our Version Control.

Installing Python Packages in FDXMZ24

So going back to our Python Packages, I just want to show you how we can install packages based on the project that you’re working on. So we’re going to go top left (for Mac, it’s FDXMZ24) and we have Settings. I’m already on it, but it’s what we call a Python Interpreter.

So hit that plus button, and then from here, we can put in anything we really want based on what you need. So I’m going to put the TV, for example, right? Let’s see— actually, CV2. Hit Install Packages. We have an error for this— actually, that’s okay. CV itself— okay, great.

Using Version Control in FDXMZ24

The Version Control is what I really wanted to talk about also. So we can create this project on FDXMZ24, but of course, though, with GitHub, right? We can

operate this and we can share this with anyone. What if this is a group project, right? How can we make that happen?

Uploading a Project to GitHub

So we have our projects, you know, main.py, second.py. Now we want to get it into GitHub. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to click on VCS, and first, we’re going to Enable Version Control Integration.

From here, you can choose— there are other ones, but the standard is Git. Going to hit OK, and now from here, we’re going to go down to GitHub.

Sharing the Project on GitHub

We’re going to hit Share Project on GitHub. Repository Name: This is what it’s going to look like on GitHub. Uh, I would recommend that you keep it the same as your FDXMZ24 project so there’s no confusion.

Additionally, we can make it private or we can keep it public. Remote Origin Description: We can talk about it— so let’s say My First FDXMZ24 Project.

Updating a Project on GitHub

I’m going to hit Share for that, right? These are all the files, our initial commit, and there we go. We’ve successfully shared the project on GitHub.

Making Code Changes in FDXMZ24

So diving deeper into this, right? We want to make an update because, right now, just this, right? This is my main page. What if I want to add some code, right?

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go back to FDXMZ24. Okay, great. So on here, right, we’re going to go to main.py.

Adding a Function in Python

Right, we want to edit it, so let’s do something simple. Um, we’re just gonna do a simple function. So to get this started— I have it already installed, but just follow along.

It’s going to be a little advanced, but it’s going to be something that we’re all going to learn eventually together. So what you’re going to want to install is— go to Add and you’re going to put in what we call NumPy.

Running the Code and Pushing to GitHub

I’m gonna download this one, right? Once we have that installed, you see here— starting on line 1, we’re just going to

do import numpy as np, and then we can do a simple function.

Final Steps and Conclusion

So now we put this function in, so now we’re going to update our GitHub, right? Going to Git, I’m going to commit all of our files.






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